OAuth 2. Specifications :
1. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749
2. Glossary of security terms -
3.Nice Link to hanlde apps that maintain session :
4. http://tutorials.jenkov.com/oauth2/request-response.html
--- by Jenkon, Nice one
5. https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth --
Google Docs
6. http://oauth.net/code/ -- OAuth Code svn links
-- Nice Linke from sales force
* Responsibilities of Auth Server
* OAuth Server must keep the extra parameters,
send in the request and send it back
* 1. Register a client :
* client_register
* client_id
* client_secret
* client_redirection_url
* client_web_home
* client_request_ip
* Once registered it uses client_id till it
issues access token.
* It uses the same client_id to also re-issues
access tokens
* Client_id is not required to get access to
the resource once the access token has been issued,.
* 2. Authenticate the User-Authentication
request ( HTTPS must )
* steps :
* a.) A request Url is send from the
client ( perhaps a redirect Authorisation End Point ) to the user ( This
Url must be previoulsy known to the Client )
* This Url is the Authentication End
Point to the Auth Server.
* E.g of an Authentication End Point :
* It has following fields
* response_type = code ( see
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1#3.1.1 Response Types )
* redirect_url = the Url to which the
oAuth server will redirect to.
* client_id = id of the client who is also the
* state = any state which the client wants to
associate with the user. Like it could be sessionId of the user, just to relate
the user with a particular code that the client will eceive
This is an important variable
*User via the user-agent now sends the GET the
above authentication URL to the oAuth server
*Auth server checks this URL to see
what action it needs to take
*Response_type parameter defines what kind of
response to process
*Response_type = code , sends a signal to the
OAuth server that a user authentication needs to done
*Before that it needs to first perform some
preliminary validations
*Preliminary validations to be done by the
OAuth server
*Validations by OAuth Server :
*1. Validate the Client_id is valid , possibly
if it a system valid client_id
*2. If some mandatory paramters are
*3.State -
*4. Redirect_url - This URl must match exactly
with the redirect_url that was initially registered
*Once the validation has been done it sends
the request to the Resource Server for actual authentication.
*This is a matter of contract between the
OAuth server and Resource Server
*The Contract shall tell what kind of request
header and request body the OAuth server must send to the R-Server and what
response will it ,in turn, receive back
*The good question to ask is :
Does the OAuth Server store the user's credentials.
*If not ..... Then how does a oAuth server
relates the 'Authorization code' it generated to the user ..
*It can only relate that to the Client_id ?
*Does not the OAuth server need to store the
user credential , to get the right identification with the Client
*The response send by the server is received
by the OAuth server
*oAuth server redirects to the Redirect_url of
the client.
*E.g of the Redirect Url send by the
OAuth Server to the User for redirect :
* *The browser now receives the redirect Url
and then sends a GET http request to the redirect url of the
*At this point the OAuth server has a map of
Client_id and Authorisation_code it has issued. ( It may or may not have a map
of authorisation_code with the user's credentials. Ie. it may not
know against which user's authentication , this authentication_code has bee
issued ??
*-- How can the above problem if solved.? If
the resource server returns an unique identifier, that corresponsds
uniquely with each user + crdential. Like nitesh.iitr@gmail.com +
pwd wuthentication will issues an OAuthServer_user_credentila = alalkga.
This Id issuded by the Server to the OAuth server must be unique into
the server system
*Client sees the redirect Url which has
the authorisation_code. If the response has an error, then no further
*3. Client's Exchange of Authorisation
Code for an Access Token ( see 3.2 Token EndPoint of the Specs )
*Client now uses an Token End Point, an end
Point on the OAuth server. Clearly this End point must be known prior to the
*E.g of Token End Point
*This is the end point to exchange tokens
* The
token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by
*presenting its
authorization grant or refresh token.
The token
*endpoint is
used with every authorization grant except for the
* implicit grant type (since an access token is
issued directly).
* The client MUST use the HTTP
"POST" method when making access token
Parameters sent without
a value MUST be treated as if they were
omitted from the
request. The authorization server MUST
unrecognized request
parameters. Request and response
MUST NOT be included
more than once.
*10. Access tokens ( 10.3 )
* This specification does not provide any
methods for the resource
server to ensure that
an access token presented to it by a given
client was issued to
that client by the authorization server